Monday - February 24, 2025

What Do I Want to Be When I Grow Up: How Can I Experience That My Life Is Good?

March 7th, 2011

I know that this life is confusing!  All the choices we have seem impossible and overwhelming. Everywhere you turn, seems to have a hundred more choices. So, “How can I experience that my life is good?” What I want to share with you today is the belief and understanding and conviction that there is a good for you and you ought to have it!! Yes, That is right! This is from the teachings of Emma Curtis Hopkins.  She shared  this teaching over a century ago. And now,  I want to start sharing it with you-  that there is a good for you, and you ought to have it So, what is your good?... Read More

So I Hate My Life And How Can I Stop That?

March 7th, 2011

I know that there are days when you just hate your life, nothing seems to go right, you’re not doing anything fun, its boring, its sad, its just not fun!!!  So I hate my life and How can I stop that? Well, you get to choose your life. And what I wanted to suggest is that you start creating a life that you want to live, NOW. A great way to do that, is start creating your own bucket list. Now a bucket list is writing down all the  things you want to do before you die. Like in the movie, The Bucket List. In the movie, two  older men decided what they wanted to do before they died and wrote... Read More

The Importance of Communication and How Can I Improve My Communication?

March 5th, 2011

I want to talk about the importance of communication. So “How can  I  improve my communication, anyway? We all have times when communication has broken down, when we want someone to “read our mind”, but most people cannot read our minds. So, we need to be able to talk to others about what’s going on with us, and to ask for what we want, and to let people know when they effect our feelings. And this can be scary. It is sometimes easier  to get mad at someone for not at least guessing what we want rather than be         vulnerable and expose ourselves and later... Read More

How Are Angry Management Techniques Related to Signs of Depression – Part Two

March 3rd, 2011

I know last time I talked about anger and about it being neither good nor bad. It is just energy! What we do with it, is what’s important. It often feels like our anger controls us and  we feel like there is a dark heavy cloud above us, where ever we go and whatever we do. So how are Anger Management techniques related to depression? I  know that when we’re depressed, we often have a lot of anger that we either dole out on everyone else or we just internalize and beat ourselves up. So I want to talk about recognizing anger because often times we are not even aware of our anger. I... Read More

How Can I Follow Healthy Living Tips?

March 1st, 2011

Following healthy living tips can be difficult and changing any habit can take time. We get in the way. We make it really big. We think all or nothing ways.  We think black and white. What gets in the way is our beliefs. There is a part of us that doesn’t want us to get better. This is often hidden sometimes deep inside of us. The best thing to do to follow healthy living tips is to really choose one thing you want to focus in on and make it small and obtainable. So as an example as a healthy living tip for me,  I wanted to start to meditate. And of course the teachers would say the best... Read More

What Are Some Tips to Stress Relief?

March 1st, 2011

I can tell you that I know there are times when you feel like there’s just no happiness, things are gloomy, life sucks, and you don’t know what to do to change your mood. Well, I have a couple of secret weapons I’d like to share because I know it’s hard to just shift moods. So this is important, and I wanted to share it with you. But what I suggest is you take a couple of slow deep breaths, help relax the body, and then you go to a near or just someplace and just laugh as loud, as hard, and as goofy as you can. I know this sounds corny, but I have done this for myself,... Read More

What is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?

February 5th, 2011

Dear One, Have you ever  been told to focus on  feeling good about yourself when you are worried about paying the rent or how you can buy food for yourself ?  Maslow’s Hierachy of needs  is about  what motivates us. If you look at the base of the pyramid, the first priority is the physiology or the basic human needs of  the body- food, water and shelter. Until these needs are taken care of, it is very difficult to focus on self worth or self esteem. The next layer above physiology is: safety or security- employment, actual apartment or home,health and resources. Above safety and security... Read More

What is Codependency?

January 29th, 2011

Dear One, What is codependency?  Well…It can have different descriptions. Do you ever feel that you get lost in a crowd? When someone asks you what you think, you don’t know what you think? Do you easily pick up other people’s feelings and not know what you feel? Are you a really good listener but no one asks you what you think? Do  you always offer to help and  have difficulty accepting help from others? These are some signs of codependency. One simple technique to help create boundaries for yourself: 1. Imagine a bubble around yourself. 2. This bubble lets what you do want... Read More

What Do I Want To BE When I Grow UP?

January 29th, 2011

Dear One, It can be frustrating not knowing what you want to be when you grow up when so many people seem to know what they want to be. The truth is we often have 5 or more different careers in a lifetime. We get to re-invent ourselves and start fresh with who we want to be when we grow up.Dont give up on yourself.  Who you are meant to be will present itself. So in the meantime, Take the 21 day “I Am a Gift to the World” Challenge and start seeing just how important you really are. Love and blessings, Laura Meehan  Read More

Do I Have Anxiety Symptoms?

January 28th, 2011

Hello Dear One, Have you ever asked yourself, ” Do I have anxiety symptoms?” Anxiety is common in the United States. We are over- stimulated all the time. The are lots of choices and lots technology and lots of responsibilities with not enough time to do them all. Here are some symptoms for anxiety: 1.Worry thoughts all the time. 2. You tend think the worst will happen. 3.It is hard to relax. You muscles are tight. 4. You have a lot of fears and they seem to be controlling your life. You may be afraid of making a mistake or looking foolish, being in social situations, of losing control,... Read More