We can often feel pulled in many directions, and not know what is most in an important  in the moment to do. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is a reality check. It can also show us what is motivating us in our actions.

So, the first question  to ask our self would be, “Are my basic needs taken care of like  food, water, sleep?”.

If  that’s taken care of, then  you move up   to the next one, safety. “Is my body safe, Do I have employment, resources,?  Is my family taken care of?, Is my house taken care of, my property safe?

If yes, then the next focus is what I really need right now is friendship or sexual intimacy, or maybe do I just really need a bigger sense of community, or more social contact? t

Maslow's Hierarchy of NeedsThe next  level  are  self esteem needs:  ‘Am I being recognized for my achievements?  Do I feel good about myself?  Do I have self confidence?  Do others respect me? and Do I respect others?

“The last level to check out  and  all the other levels are taken care of and you are feeling good about, then  the next focus is self actualization. The ability to  be more creative, find some more spontaneity, be more accepting. Maybe the for you  that you want to focus in on is justice, truth, spirituality. There is a higher need for you to express.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs can be a  framework for you that can help you answer the questions : “What’s my next step right now?, “What’s really my focus or motivating me right now?”, OR “Have I taken care of the things that need to be taken care of so I can move on to the next step  or the next stage of my life?”


3 Deadly Mistakes That Cause Stress, Overwhelm and Burnout

I say Maslow’s  Hierarchy of Needs does help us in making some decisions in our life, especially when we feel overwhelmed by so many things in our or lives.

If you are feeling stressed out,  I  suggest you get The Three Deadly Mistakes That Cause Stress, Overwhelm and Burnout.

This is a must read report created by my good friends Robert and Terri Tall Tree.


To Your Highest Good,

Laura Meehan, MA

Integrative Counselor and Coach

Founder and Liberator of Allowyourlightoshine.com

Ambassador of Cure for Boredom on Howtoliveonpurpose.com