Monday - February 24, 2025

Articles Written By admin


Inspirational Poem: If God Invited You To A Party?

May 13th, 2011

This is a poem from: Love Poems from God: Twelve Sacred Voices from the East and West By Daniel Ladinsky ( Translator of The Gift) This is an Inspirational Poem that talks about seeing your own greatness and seeing the greatness of others. If God Invited You To A  Party? If God invited you to a party and said, “Everyone in the ballroom tonight will be my special guest,” how would you treat them when you arrived? Indeed,indeed! And Hafiz knows that there is no one in this world who is not standing upon His jeweled dance floor. By Hafiz This Inspirational Poem is interesting isn’t... Read More

Inspirational Poems. Abundance and Prosperity. A Math Problem?

May 12th, 2011

This is a poem from: Love Poems from God: Twelve Sacred Voices from the East and West By Daniel Ladinsky ( Translator of The Gift) This is an Inspirational Poem that talks of Abundance and Prosperity Lousy At Math Once a group of thieves stole a rare diamond larger than two goose eggs. Its value could have easily brought three thousand horses and three thousand acres of the most fertile land in Shiraz. The thieves got drunk that night to celebrate their great haul, but during the course of the evening the effects of the liquor, and their mistrust of each other grew to such an extent. they decided... Read More

How Can I Communicate? Anger Management Skills Part Five

May 9th, 2011

I have written on previous  posts  on anger management techniques and  I have  addressed  different topics. I addressed understanding the cues and triggers of  anger, the positives and the negative to anger, a secret to anger(one of them being expectations),  and I  talked about calming down techniques. So  now that you are calmed down,don’t escalate it any further. You have taken your break from it and feel calm? The next  anger management technique is that you both must agree to work it out. You show willingness to communicate by facing each other, preferable sitting down  and... Read More

Is Sleeping Stress Relief?

May 8th, 2011

Sleeping can be a time that the body and mind rejuvenates itself, or it can be an escape from the stress in your life. Notice, do you feel wide awake and energized for the day when you wake up ? or do you still feel tired even after nine to ten hours of sleep, then sleeping is not stress relief.  It’s a sign of something else. It could be a form of depression or an illness of some sort or a sleep disorder.  I recommend you see a doctor for a check up and talk about your sleeping. Doctors say an adult need about seven to eight hours of sleep per night, as an average. Are you getting enough... Read More

Healthy Living Tips – Do I Have to Change My Diet?

May 7th, 2011

Healthy living tips is not just about what you eat.   It’s more about a way of life. You can live your best and healthiest life.  Today’s healthy living tip is about practicing presence and having time alone.  Practicing presence is being aware of yourself and your surroundings in the moment. There’s a sense of timelessness and a sense of aliveness felt. Some simple ways to practice presence are: 1.  Take slow, deep breaths and feel your breath move in and out as your chest rises and falls.  Feel the warmth  of your breath as you breathe in through your nostrils. 2.  Take... Read More

Inspirational Thoughts and Christian Science Emmas Teachings Part Four

May 6th, 2011

Emma Curtis Hopkins shares her inspirational thoughts and Christian Science. She says you don’t need to understand, just do the practices. To her the practices proves themselves in the scientific application. Based on our book, Scientific Christian Mental Practice. The fourth practice is also filled with inspirational thoughts and Christian Science. She asks that you sit down by yourself  and honestly and lovingly read out loud these 12  covenants: “I hereby covenant with the Holy Spirit for my life, and  I will do nothing to preserve my life; my life is the life of the spirit. I... Read More

How Can I Make Sense of Prosperity Laws?

May 6th, 2011

Prosperity Laws are more than the Law of Attraction.  Prosperity Laws encompass five universal laws.  Let me review these five universal laws. 1.  The Law of Cause and Effect: Every action has a cause and effect.  This is about karma. What you give out, is what you get back, eventually.  A favorite quote of mine is,”If something’s happening to you that you don’t like, stop doing it to others, by Jey Rinpoche (1357 – 1419).  This sums up the law of cause and effect beautifully and makes it immediate into your life. 2. The Law of Attraction: I attract to my life what... Read More

Am I a Grown Up and What Do I Want to do When I am a Grown Up?

May 2nd, 2011

I don’t know if we ever grow up. We often feel a different age than our biological age.  It’s good to feel younger than your biological age, for the most part. This question, ‘What do I want to do when I grow up?’  can come up at different times in your life. It often comes up at life transitions– when you graduate from high school, or graduate from college, birth of children, loss of a job,a divorce, change in the economy,a  midlife crisis or other transitions.  These transitions are all opportunities to ask yourself the question, ‘What do I want to do... Read More

Cure For Boredom, What Can I Do? Part One

May 1st, 2011

The best cure for boredom is to get interested in yourself, your life, your surrounding, and anything and everything.  Be curious, ask questions, look for possible answers, try new things to see if you like them.  One cure for boredom is to remember what you liked to do as a child or a teenager, that you really liked doing, then go and do it now.  See if that lights you up at all, excites you. If you are feeling bored because you feel lonely, then start engaging with others more. Here some ideas to engage with others: 1. Talk to people at work.  Find out what they’re doing, what they... Read More

How is the Individuation Process Related to Self Esteem Activities?

April 30th, 2011

First of all, what is individuation? Individuation is a process of separation from the identities that others have told you about who you are.  These processes are a self esteem activities because the process increases your self worth and self esteem by claiming your uniqueness and your values.  The more you know yourself and your unique voice and qualities, the more able you are to know your strengths and your limits and  the better to navigate in your world. There are four different individuation processes in these self esteem activities: 1. The first individuation process usually occurs... Read More