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Archive for the ‘ Spirit ’ Category


Can I Just Have My Abundance and Prosperity Now?

April 24th, 2011

I know how it can feel to not live abundance and prosperity.  We’ve read the books, done the vision boards and the visualizations and the affirmations and so on and so on.  So why don’t we have the abundance and prosperity? I want to share a secret that I started to see results from.  This secret has been around forever and yet many  people do not do it. The secret is to tithe.  I want to share what I’ve learned about tithing.  I know tithing is a difficult subject and I want to share about it because I believe it is  important. What is tithing? First, you tithe to a person... Read More

Prosperity Laws – Where Is My Money?

April 15th, 2011

Where is my money is a common feeling for many people these days.  If you have a lifetime or a long-time focus on what you don’t have or on lack, the law of prosperity says you are attracting more lack into your life.  I know how hard it can be to stop thinking in lack.  It’s almost automatic.  When you worry about paying the rent or mortgage, your bills piling up,putting food on the table, it’s still very hard to think in prosperity. But thinking in prosperity is the very thing you must do to attract prosperity in your life, based on the Prosperity Laws. What you focus on... Read More

Inspirational Thoughts and Spiritual Science- Emmas Teachings Part Two

April 1st, 2011

Today, I want to talk some more about Emma’s teachings, and her second practice of spiritual science that has to do with  denials.  Emma Curtis Hopkins has us apply practices daily that are based in spiritual science or christian science. The beauty of Emma’s teachings is that you do not need to understand what she asks us to do, she just gives us practices and see what happens in your life. Now, her denials are pretty wild to believe in, but the thing about Emma’s teachings is that you don’t have to believe it.  You don’t even have to understand it.  You just... Read More

Abundance and Prosperity – Enough for Everyone?

March 28th, 2011

I want to talk about abundance and prosperity. I know a lot of you worry about money and your future.”How can we pay our bills? How can we take a vacation? How can we retire with grace and dignity and have the money we need?” I am sure you must have a lot of questions like this. This is focusing on lack. If we focus on lack, we get more lack. So…… Could it be possible that there is enough abundance and prosperity for everyone? I say yes.  In truth, there is abundance everywhere around you.  If you look  around you, there’s an abundance of clouds and/or sky, air,... Read More

Inspirational Thoughts, Emma’s Teachings

March 12th, 2011

I want to share Emma Curtis Hopkins‘ Teachings.  I am so in love with Emma Curtis Hopkins, and I’m going to be sharing her teachings from her Book, Scientific Christian Mental Practice. To me, her book is filled with inspirational thoughts. Emma Curtis Hopkins was born in 1849 and died in 1925, and she was known as a teacher of teachers for many of the leading churches here now. And, she’s come up with a great system of having a daily practices. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. I’m going to start with the first practice which is usually done on Mondays in the... Read More

Prosperity Laws – Are You Seeing The Prosperity?

March 12th, 2011

I know that you may have done many years of affirmations, taking prosperity classes, and thinking positively and not seeing the results you want.  And I know how frustrating that is. I have been there . So. Prosperity Laws– Are you seeing the Prosperity? What I want to talk about today is that the prosperity laws are true! The hardest part to – having prosperity, is having the feeling of prosperity and the belief in you having prosperity. Not just wishing for it. So there are some secrets to having prosperity and really it involves a few things. The first thing is that you really... Read More

How Are Angry Management Techniques Related to Signs of Depression – Part Two

March 3rd, 2011

I know last time I talked about anger and about it being neither good nor bad. It is just energy! What we do with it, is what’s important. It often feels like our anger controls us and  we feel like there is a dark heavy cloud above us, where ever we go and whatever we do. So how are Anger Management techniques related to depression? I  know that when we’re depressed, we often have a lot of anger that we either dole out on everyone else or we just internalize and beat ourselves up. So I want to talk about recognizing anger because often times we are not even aware of our anger. I... Read More

How Can I Manifest Money?

January 28th, 2011

Dear One, Have you watched “The Secret” on DVD and felt excited  about the possibilities? Then later not see the results you had hoped for?  I know I have tried so many techniques and have not  gotten close to getting the results I had hoped for. I have had stacks of bills and behind on payments, and feeling worse about myself as each day passes. Manifesting money is often an inside job. What I mean by this is that you often need to clear out old, limiting beliefs to make room for the money to come into your life. We have accumulated a lifetime of money memories that may be effecting... Read More

Inspirational Quote

January 28th, 2011

” You, the richest person in the world, have been laboring and struggling endlessly, not understanding that you already possess all that you seek.” THE LOTUS SUTRA Be sure to sign up for the 21 day challenge to the I am  a Gift to the World. Be well, Laura Meehan  Read More

Success is…

October 28th, 2010

Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.  Your playing small does not serve the world.  There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us.  It is not just in some; it is in everyone.  And, as we let our own light shine, we consciously give other... Read More