Sunday - February 23, 2025

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Inspirational Quote

January 28th, 2011

” You, the richest person in the world, have been laboring and struggling endlessly, not understanding that you already possess all that you seek.” THE LOTUS SUTRA Be sure to sign up for the 21 day challenge to the I am  a Gift to the World. Be well, Laura Meehan  Read More

Welcome to Allow Your Light to Shine!

March 9th, 2010

Hello! This is my first blog posting. What I plan to write about is more information on “The One Command” (TOC) processes and to share success stories. I am also interested in healing techniques so I plan to share what I know and new methods that I recently learned about. I am particularly interested in healing our negative thinking and limited beliefs because they affect our health, our relationships and our quality of life. I am also interested in the Law of Attraction and manifesting our desires and living our dream life by becoming our own Master. I also like to write about happiness... Read More