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Inspirational Thoughts and Christian Science Emmas Teachings Part Four

May 6th, 2011

Emma Curtis Hopkins shares her inspirational thoughts and Christian Science. She says you don’t need to understand, just do the practices. To her the practices proves themselves in the scientific application. Based on our book, Scientific Christian Mental Practice. The fourth practice is also filled with inspirational thoughts and Christian Science. She asks that you sit down by yourself  and honestly and lovingly read out loud these 12  covenants: “I hereby covenant with the Holy Spirit for my life, and  I will do nothing to preserve my life; my life is the life of the spirit. I... Read More

How Can I Make Sense of Prosperity Laws?

May 6th, 2011

Prosperity Laws are more than the Law of Attraction.  Prosperity Laws encompass five universal laws.  Let me review these five universal laws. 1.  The Law of Cause and Effect: Every action has a cause and effect.  This is about karma. What you give out, is what you get back, eventually.  A favorite quote of mine is,”If something’s happening to you that you don’t like, stop doing it to others, by Jey Rinpoche (1357 – 1419).  This sums up the law of cause and effect beautifully and makes it immediate into your life. 2. The Law of Attraction: I attract to my life what... Read More

Am I a Grown Up and What Do I Want to do When I am a Grown Up?

May 2nd, 2011

I don’t know if we ever grow up. We often feel a different age than our biological age.  It’s good to feel younger than your biological age, for the most part. This question, ‘What do I want to do when I grow up?’  can come up at different times in your life. It often comes up at life transitions– when you graduate from high school, or graduate from college, birth of children, loss of a job,a divorce, change in the economy,a  midlife crisis or other transitions.  These transitions are all opportunities to ask yourself the question, ‘What do I want to do... Read More

Cure For Boredom, What Can I Do? Part One

May 1st, 2011

The best cure for boredom is to get interested in yourself, your life, your surrounding, and anything and everything.  Be curious, ask questions, look for possible answers, try new things to see if you like them.  One cure for boredom is to remember what you liked to do as a child or a teenager, that you really liked doing, then go and do it now.  See if that lights you up at all, excites you. If you are feeling bored because you feel lonely, then start engaging with others more. Here some ideas to engage with others: 1. Talk to people at work.  Find out what they’re doing, what they... Read More

How is the Individuation Process Related to Self Esteem Activities?

April 30th, 2011

First of all, what is individuation? Individuation is a process of separation from the identities that others have told you about who you are.  These processes are a self esteem activities because the process increases your self worth and self esteem by claiming your uniqueness and your values.  The more you know yourself and your unique voice and qualities, the more able you are to know your strengths and your limits and  the better to navigate in your world. There are four different individuation processes in these self esteem activities: 1. The first individuation process usually occurs... Read More

Are You Trying To Hide Your Crabbiness? Nonverbal Communication

April 29th, 2011

Trying to hide your feelings is very difficult. The truth is, we  are always expressing  through Nonverbal communication. Some people can read nonverbal communication more easily than others. Let’s talk about trying to hide our crabbiness, another word for crabbiness is irritability. You may not be feeling satisfied or you may want things to be different. Nonverbal communication of impatience and irritability can be shown in many ways: –Tapping fingers or objects -Tapping your foot –A huff or a sigh –Rolling your eyes up –Looking at your watch or the clock -Your... Read More

What Causes Symptoms of Stress?

April 28th, 2011

The easy answer is stress causes symptoms of stress over time.  We often ignore the early signs.  The early signs become chronic and turn into symptoms.  The symptoms over time can cause more serious symptoms or illness. The early signs can be easy to overlook, but if overlooked over time, can be problematic. Some possible early signs of stress : –Upset in stomach or stomach problems. -A feeling of rightness or wrongness that we ignore (we do not listen to our self). –We feel sad or depressed. -We have a mild headaches. –We feel tired. -We’re feeling overwhelmed or ... Read More

Inspirational Thoughts and Spiritual Science – Emma’s Teachings – Part Three

April 25th, 2011

Emma Curtis Hopkins is a great teacher and applies  Inspirational Thoughts and Spiritual Science.  She’s taught many spiritual leaders in her time.  As I have said before (in previous posts), she is difficult to understand.  The great thing about Emma’s teachings is that  she does not require us to understand at the beginning.  She just tells us what to d (Apply the Spiritual Science), and the understanding will come.  Isn’t that nice and easy? As part of her Inspirational Thought and Spiritual Science, she  asks us to read these affirmations. She also asks you  to create... Read More

Can I Just Have My Abundance and Prosperity Now?

April 24th, 2011

I know how it can feel to not live abundance and prosperity.  We’ve read the books, done the vision boards and the visualizations and the affirmations and so on and so on.  So why don’t we have the abundance and prosperity? I want to share a secret that I started to see results from.  This secret has been around forever and yet many  people do not do it. The secret is to tithe.  I want to share what I’ve learned about tithing.  I know tithing is a difficult subject and I want to share about it because I believe it is  important. What is tithing? First, you tithe to a person... Read More

My Life is Average. Is There a Reward For This?

April 24th, 2011

My life is average.  Is there a reward for this?  Yes.  The reward for my life is average is: Good job!  Well done!  Something is working for you  in your life.  So…  everything is not perfect. Nothing is permanently perfect. So… you’re not perfect.  No one is.  To say that my life is average says to me that you have a good foundation built.  You have income from your job and/or you have friends and family.  It says to me, also, that you want more.  Great! What do you want more of? More money? More satisfaction? More of a social life? More freedom? A better career? A... Read More