Wednesday - January 22, 2025

Posts Tagged With ‘ healthy living tips ’


Healthy Living Tips – Do I Have to Change My Diet?

May 7th, 2011

Healthy living tips is not just about what you eat.   It’s more about a way of life. You can live your best and healthiest life.  Today’s healthy living tip is about practicing presence and having time alone.  Practicing presence is being aware of yourself and your surroundings in the moment. There’s a sense of timelessness and a sense of aliveness felt. Some simple ways to practice presence are: 1.  Take slow, deep breaths and feel your breath move in and out as your chest rises and falls.  Feel the warmth  of your breath as you breathe in through your nostrils. 2.  Take... Read More

Can Healthy Living Tips Really Help Me?

April 17th, 2011

Where do you start when everything in your life feels unhealthy or broken?  Can it really make a difference at all to make a healthy change?  I believe healthy living tips can help you. All you can do is all you can do.  Choose one healthy living tip to focus on at a time.  Watch for the subtle changes in your life, your health, your body, your mind, your emotions but looking to see if it is changing you for the better. Focus on making changes that are small and easy at first so you can feel successful and build on that success. Start with five to ten minutes a day exercising, meditating,... Read More

How Can I Follow Healthy Living Tips?

March 1st, 2011

Following healthy living tips can be difficult and changing any habit can take time. We get in the way. We make it really big. We think all or nothing ways.  We think black and white. What gets in the way is our beliefs. There is a part of us that doesn’t want us to get better. This is often hidden sometimes deep inside of us. The best thing to do to follow healthy living tips is to really choose one thing you want to focus in on and make it small and obtainable. So as an example as a healthy living tip for me,  I wanted to start to meditate. And of course the teachers would say the best... Read More

What Are Some Signs of Stress?

January 28th, 2011

Dear One, Stress is not good for the body, mind and spirit. Do find your mind racing? Do you find your to-do list getting longer and the days shorter? Do you find yourself being irritable or getting angry easily? Do you find your body is tight and it is hard to relax? These are some of the signs of stress. My favorite, portable and quick remedy is to focus breathing slowly and deeply. As you focus on your breathe, your mind will also slow down and your body will begin to relax. This will usually last as long as you can focus on your breathe!! It does give you an opportunity to re-choose what you... Read More