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Posts Tagged With ‘ Inspirational Thoughts ’


Inspirational Quote

December 2nd, 2011

     “Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment.”  – Rumi   This quote inspired me to go on… Sell your resentments and buy forgiveness. Sell your hatred and buy love. Sell your glee and buy humility. Sell your anger and buy compassion. Sell your loneliness and buy connection. Sell your meanness and buy kindness. Sell your lack and buy generosity. Continue on with your own  ideas  for this inspirational quote…   Laura Meehan, MA Integrative Counselor and Coach Founder and Liberator of Ambassador of Cure for Boredom on  Read More

Inspirational Poems: Passion

May 16th, 2011

This is a poem from: Love Poems from God: Twelve Sacred Voices from the East and West By Daniel Ladinsky ( Translator of The Gift) This is an Inspirational Poem that talks about Living a passionate life. WITH PASSION With passion pray. With passion work. With passion make love. With passion eat and drink and dance and play. Why look like a dead fish in this Ocean of God? Written by Rumi This inspirational poems inspires me to be more passionate in my life, to fully enjoy and engage with life more. I fun way to engage with life and share your passion is to take the 21 Day “I AM a Gift to the... Read More

Inspirational Poems: Importance of Communication

May 15th, 2011

This is a poem from: Love Poems from God: Twelve Sacred Voices from the East and West By Daniel Ladinsky ( Translator of The Gift) This is an Inspirational Poem that talks about a Relationship Booster and the Importance of communication. Relationship Booster Here is a relationship booster that is guaranteed to work: Every time your spouse or lover says something stupid make your eyes light up as if you you just heard something brilliant. This poem was originally written by Rumi. The important message is to really listen to others. Be interested. Everyone likes to feel people are interested in us. To... Read More

Inspirational Poem: If God Invited You To A Party?

May 13th, 2011

This is a poem from: Love Poems from God: Twelve Sacred Voices from the East and West By Daniel Ladinsky ( Translator of The Gift) This is an Inspirational Poem that talks about seeing your own greatness and seeing the greatness of others. If God Invited You To A  Party? If God invited you to a party and said, “Everyone in the ballroom tonight will be my special guest,” how would you treat them when you arrived? Indeed,indeed! And Hafiz knows that there is no one in this world who is not standing upon His jeweled dance floor. By Hafiz This Inspirational Poem is interesting isn’t... Read More

Inspirational Poems. Abundance and Prosperity. A Math Problem?

May 12th, 2011

This is a poem from: Love Poems from God: Twelve Sacred Voices from the East and West By Daniel Ladinsky ( Translator of The Gift) This is an Inspirational Poem that talks of Abundance and Prosperity Lousy At Math Once a group of thieves stole a rare diamond larger than two goose eggs. Its value could have easily brought three thousand horses and three thousand acres of the most fertile land in Shiraz. The thieves got drunk that night to celebrate their great haul, but during the course of the evening the effects of the liquor, and their mistrust of each other grew to such an extent. they decided... Read More

Inspirational Thoughts and Spiritual Science – Emma’s Teachings – Part Three

April 25th, 2011

Emma Curtis Hopkins is a great teacher and applies  Inspirational Thoughts and Spiritual Science.  She’s taught many spiritual leaders in her time.  As I have said before (in previous posts), she is difficult to understand.  The great thing about Emma’s teachings is that  she does not require us to understand at the beginning.  She just tells us what to d (Apply the Spiritual Science), and the understanding will come.  Isn’t that nice and easy? As part of her Inspirational Thought and Spiritual Science, she  asks us to read these affirmations. She also asks you  to create... Read More

Inspirational Thoughts and Spiritual Science- Emmas Teachings Part Two

April 1st, 2011

Today, I want to talk some more about Emma’s teachings, and her second practice of spiritual science that has to do with  denials.  Emma Curtis Hopkins has us apply practices daily that are based in spiritual science or christian science. The beauty of Emma’s teachings is that you do not need to understand what she asks us to do, she just gives us practices and see what happens in your life. Now, her denials are pretty wild to believe in, but the thing about Emma’s teachings is that you don’t have to believe it.  You don’t even have to understand it.  You just... Read More

Inspirational Thoughts, Emma’s Teachings

March 12th, 2011

I want to share Emma Curtis Hopkins‘ Teachings.  I am so in love with Emma Curtis Hopkins, and I’m going to be sharing her teachings from her Book, Scientific Christian Mental Practice. To me, her book is filled with inspirational thoughts. Emma Curtis Hopkins was born in 1849 and died in 1925, and she was known as a teacher of teachers for many of the leading churches here now. And, she’s come up with a great system of having a daily practices. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. I’m going to start with the first practice which is usually done on Mondays in the... Read More