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Posts Tagged With ‘ Integrative Counselor and Coach ’


Do We Need Maslows Hierarchy of Needs?

April 5th, 2011

We can often feel pulled in many directions, and not know what is most in an important  in the moment to do. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is a reality check. It can also show us what is motivating us in our actions. So, the first question  to ask our self would be, “Are my basic needs taken care of like  food, water, sleep?”. If  that’s taken care of, then  you move up   to the next one, safety. “Is my body safe, Do I have employment, resources,?  Is my family taken care of?, Is my house taken care of, my property safe? If yes, then the next focus is what... Read More

Inspirational Thoughts and Spiritual Science- Emmas Teachings Part Two

April 1st, 2011

Today, I want to talk some more about Emma’s teachings, and her second practice of spiritual science that has to do with  denials.  Emma Curtis Hopkins has us apply practices daily that are based in spiritual science or christian science. The beauty of Emma’s teachings is that you do not need to understand what she asks us to do, she just gives us practices and see what happens in your life. Now, her denials are pretty wild to believe in, but the thing about Emma’s teachings is that you don’t have to believe it.  You don’t even have to understand it.  You just... Read More

Abundance and Prosperity – Enough for Everyone?

March 28th, 2011

I want to talk about abundance and prosperity. I know a lot of you worry about money and your future.”How can we pay our bills? How can we take a vacation? How can we retire with grace and dignity and have the money we need?” I am sure you must have a lot of questions like this. This is focusing on lack. If we focus on lack, we get more lack. So…… Could it be possible that there is enough abundance and prosperity for everyone? I say yes.  In truth, there is abundance everywhere around you.  If you look  around you, there’s an abundance of clouds and/or sky, air,... Read More

Who Am I Really?

March 25th, 2011

Who am I? This is a question we must all answer. The answer is not our roles.  Who we is more than- I’m a mother;  I’m a father;  I’m a brother;  I’m a sister;  I’m a grandparent;  I am secretary;  I am a vice president,etc. — these are just hats we wear; these are just roles you have. So , Who am I ? You are more than a  drop. You are part of something greater. So, to answer this question you have to go deeper, dig down, deep down into who you really are. So I ask you, who or what remembers your dreams? Who answers our questions inside of our heart... Read More

What Are Some Self-Esteem Activities?

March 22nd, 2011

Do you ever feel like everyone seems to take advantage of you? They seem to ‘take’ but rarely ‘give’ back to you when you need help?  It feels like a one way street! If you answered yes, then you need to build your self esteem up. You need some Self esteem activities. Self-esteem is about taking care of yourself.  It’s about learning to trust yourself.  Today, I’m going to write about three Self esteem activities. 1. Build your ability to say no. This means you just don’t say yes to everything.  Instead of  saying yes, I want you to stop and say... Read More

My life is average, is yours?

March 21st, 2011

Do you ever think, “My life is average?” Do you feel your life is boring and feel stuck in the “boring-ness” of it all? Do you feel you are just part of the pack? To tell you the truth, there are some areas of my life that are average, and I’m okay with that. My car is average (and I can rely on it). My height is average. My eyes are average. So where are you average? Is it every area of your life? I would say probably not. So where do you not want to be average? Would you like a more interesting life, more money, more joy, more passion? Where would you like to be... Read More