Sunday - February 23, 2025

Posts Tagged With ‘ Soul Growth Coach and Counselor ’



March 11th, 2013

Love of one’s self really is a foundational piece to success and happiness. When we love our self: we are comfortable in our body, we are authentic, we are heart centered and we accept our self just the way we are (at least most of the time).  Self-love is attractive and attracts people and situations and solutions to you. Self-love magnifies our good qualities. Self- love increases our value and worth. Self-love harmonizes people and situations. Self-love heals separation. When we love our self we can more fully express love, life and joy. Self-love is based in compassion and acceptance. If... Read More

Give Grace a chance

December 10th, 2012
Self Esteem Activities

Do you find you are pushing through or forcing things in your life? Do you need to control all outcomes? Is all your time filled up? Do you have a never ending to do list? If you answered yes to any or all to the above questions, why not give grace a chance? Grace is allowing a greater Good to happen or a better solution. Grace can be found in the small still voice inside yourself or in a loud storm outside. There is no place that Grace is not. We just need to stop pushing so hard and just allow Grace to enter into our life. We need to open up. We need to open our hands, our heart, our mind, our... Read More