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Posts Tagged With ‘ technorati ’


Why Do People Lie? The Importance of Communication

April 21st, 2011

We’ve all lied at sometime.  We’ve all been lied to. We even lie to ourselves?  We believe in being honest, so…why do people lie?  The importance of communication can shed some light on this situation.  As teenagers, we probably have all lied to our parents at some point.  We lie to get our own way, but behind that is that we didn’t want to get a no or have our parents angry or upset with us.  As adults, we may lie to our personal and primary relationships. We lie in two ways: 1.  We lie to ourselves about ourselves.  We deny aspects or parts of ourselves because... Read More

How Can I Calm Down? Anger Management Techniques Part Four

April 18th, 2011

You feel yourself getting angry or you’ve just blown up at someone, now what do you do? What needs to happen is for you to calm down. Remember people respond to your emotions and not to your words, so it’s best to communicate from a calm place. So basically calming down is calming your mind down. Anger management techniques help with this. If you’ve just blown up or get very angry, research show that it takes 20 to 30 minutes for your brain to return to normal. You want your brain to be calmer so you can find win-win solutions. And also to be able to do any repair work in the... Read More

IS Breathing Stress Relief?

April 17th, 2011

This may sound like a strange question, how we breathe can either increase our stress or bring stress relief. You may not be aware, but when you are anxious or worried you tend to breathe fast and shallow. Which increases your anxiety while your mind just keeps racing. Your breath can bring stress relief  if you breathe deeply and slowly. What this does is help your body relax and gives your mind something to focus on, your breath. Did you know your mind will match your breath. If you breathe slow and deep your mind will also slow down. I want to share with you three breathing techniques to help ... Read More

Can Healthy Living Tips Really Help Me?

April 17th, 2011

Where do you start when everything in your life feels unhealthy or broken?  Can it really make a difference at all to make a healthy change?  I believe healthy living tips can help you. All you can do is all you can do.  Choose one healthy living tip to focus on at a time.  Watch for the subtle changes in your life, your health, your body, your mind, your emotions but looking to see if it is changing you for the better. Focus on making changes that are small and easy at first so you can feel successful and build on that success. Start with five to ten minutes a day exercising, meditating,... Read More

Prosperity Laws – Where Is My Money?

April 15th, 2011

Where is my money is a common feeling for many people these days.  If you have a lifetime or a long-time focus on what you don’t have or on lack, the law of prosperity says you are attracting more lack into your life.  I know how hard it can be to stop thinking in lack.  It’s almost automatic.  When you worry about paying the rent or mortgage, your bills piling up,putting food on the table, it’s still very hard to think in prosperity. But thinking in prosperity is the very thing you must do to attract prosperity in your life, based on the Prosperity Laws. What you focus on... Read More

My Life is Good, is Yours?

April 14th, 2011

Having the attitude of  ”  My life is  good ” is  a matter of perspective.  It’s an attitude of my life is good and I am happy. I know that  life has its ups and downs. How we handle them is what  makes the difference.  You always have a choice: Do I focus on the negative ? or Do I focus on the good? The negative view is usually what’s happening in the moment or a small narrow focus.  Or we focus on the good, a larger focus. If you review your life from a higher perspective, you might notice  that everything works out, eventually. It may not work out the way you... Read More

I Hate My Life?

April 10th, 2011

I hate my life can be a momentary experience or a longer stuck feeling.  It’s a feeling of rejection of self,  a feeling of limitation.  You do not like what’s happening in the moment, or you are focusing on everything you don’t like in the moment. I hate my life is a feeling of powerlessness.  You are in a place of a victim-hood. If you hate your life, the truth is the only person that can change your life, is you.  This is not meant as a judgment, I see this as a point of choice for  your “unstuck-ness” .  It may feel like nothing is changing, but if you... Read More

What Are Some More Self Esteem Activities?

April 10th, 2011

Self esteem is believing in yourself.  It is saying to yourself and others – “I matter to myself.” It is the feeling of self-confidence, knowing you can do (or get the help to do) whatever it is you want to do. It is also self-worth, knowing you have value.  You do not need to prove your worth or earn your worth; you already have it. Self esteem activities help you build your feelings of self-worth and self confidence. So some  self esteem activities are: 1. One of the most important activities is how we talk to ourselves inside our heads, with no put downs.  Talk to yourself... Read More

How Our Anger Management Techniques Relate to Signs of Depression Part 3

March 15th, 2011

I want to tell you about a secret today, a secret behind anger. We all like secrets,  I know I do, especially good ones that help me! What’s the real secret behind anger?  That’s what I want to talk about today. The  TOP secret for anger management techniques. Here is the secret, all anger is an unmet, unrealistic expectation! When you are depressed or timid, you often hold in your anger and/or deny you have needs and expectations. Wow, what does that mean? It means that something  didn’t happen that we expected and now we’re angry about it. I will give you an example-... Read More